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This pages examines the course I took as part of Michigan State University's (MSU) Master of Arts in Education (MAED). Courses are listed in chronological order, organized by semester. For each course the following is provided: course title, link to official MSU description, course instructor(s) and a brief description of my experience in the course. 

The following acronyms for courses are as follows:


TE: Teacher Education


ED: Education


CEP: Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education

Fall 2016

TE 802: Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practices I

          Instructors: Gail Richmond, May Lee, Kraig WRay

This course was taken during my student teaching internship at MSU. During this course I created lesson and unit plans and put them into practice in my student teaching classroom. I was given the opportunity to reflect on my teaching practice and apply new concepts learned in the course to my classroom. In TE 802 I learned the process of lesson plan development and teaching reflection.

TE 803: Professional Roles and Teaching Practices

            Instructor: Dave Reid

Spring 2017

This course was taken during my student teaching internship at MSU. This course focused on the responsibilities a teacher has in the classroom, community and society. During this course I learned strategies to improve student engagement. I worked one on one with a student to understand their background knowledge, their culture and learning environment and how all of these things impact how they learn.

TE 804: Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practices II

            Instructors: Gail Richmond, May Lee, Kraig WRay

This course was taken during my student teaching internship at MSU. TE 804 focused on research and data collection. During this course I developed an inquiry based lesson sequence that I implemented in my student teaching classroom. I collected and analyzed data on student engagement using inquiry based activities

Summer 2018

TE 861A: Teaching Science For understanding

            Instructor: Meenakshi Sharma

This course focused on teaching science through the use of real-world scientific phenomena. I developed a Unit Plan that was based on a scientific phenomena and developed student's fundamental understanding of the topic. During this course I explored the use of real-world examples of science and science application in the classroom. In this class I learned methods of questioning to monitor student understanding.

ED 800: Concepts of Educational Inquiry

            Instructor: Steven Weiland

This course was the introduction to coursework in the MAED program. This course allowed me to think about the foundations of education including the philosophy and history of education, classroom-based and teacher research, ethnographic and autobiographical observation, and theories the mind and curriculum. This class gave me the opportunity to examine the purpose of education and how education has changed through time.

Fall 2018

TE 861B: Inquiry, Nature of Science and Science Teaching                        Instructor: Kraig Wray

This course focused on inquiry and application based science teaching in the classroom. TE 861B was strongly aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). During this course I learned practical strategies to incorporate labs and application activities in my classroom, and how to help students make connections to experiences they have had. In this course I learned how to use modeling in my science classroom.

Spring 2019

TE 861C: Action Research in the K-12 Science and Math Classroom

            Instructor: Marcos Gonzalez-Flores

During this course I learned various methods for conducting research in my classroom. I conducted a research project in my own classroom. During this project I collected data on student understanding during inquiry based activities, and analyzed the data in order to adjust my own teaching practices to better student understanding. 

Summer 2019

TE 846: Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners

            Instructor: Mary Neville

This course focused on literacy and how to best serve students who may have differing literacy skills and how literacy looks in different subjects. During this course I worked with one student who struggled with scientific literacy. I evaluated this student, and developed lessons to help the student with their scientific literacy skills. I analyzed and evaluated my lessons based on the progress of the student, and reflected on the value of developing literacy skills with all students in my classroom.

CEP 815: Technology and Leadership

            Instructor: Brittney Dillman

During this course I took a step back from the role as classroom teacher and worked my skills as a leader using technology. During this course I learned about different types of leaders, how to grow as a leader, and how to incorporate technology in different leadership responsibilities. I created a professional development session that was centered around technology and proposed a change to be implemented in a school district. Throughout this course I learned about and developed skills needed in a good leader.

Fall 2019

ED 870: Capstone Seminar

            Instructors: Matthew Koehler, Aric Gaunt, Brooke Thomas

This course focused on creating an online portfolio that showcased the work I accomplished during my master's program at Michigan State University. It provided an opportunity to revisit previous goals and to look ahead and set new goals. I was able to develop my professional portfolio each week with required class assignments, self-reflection and constructive feedback from peers and course instructors. My online portfolio allows viewers to learn about my time in the MAED program, and learn about me as a science educator.

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